What are Context Clues and how to use them?

Context clues are words or phrases in the sentence that give you some information about what else is going on. Context clues include definitions, synonyms, and antonyms.

If you’re not sure what a word means, you can use context clues to figure it out! For example, if you don’t know the meaning of “cute,” you could look at a sentence and find out where it’s used: “I went to the park with my parents yesterday and saw this cute dog.” This tells us that “cute” means “adorable” or “cuddly,” which gives us more information about what it might mean.

Context clues can be tricky because they have different meanings depending on who uses them and when they’re used. For example, if someone asks you what the weather was like on Saturday, but they haven’t been outside all week, they probably mean “beautiful” or “gorgeous.” If someone asks you how your day was at school yesterday, but they haven’t been there for weeks now, then they probably mean boring or uninteresting.

A simpler example is the warning label on Aerosol products: “Do not puncture or incinerate!” This gives you a clue that the product can be dangerous and can cause an explosion.

Another example: The vet is worried about my cat because it is obese or too fat. It could lead to heart disease or other health complications. With this statement, you can easily understand that the word obese is not good and can cause death to animals or even people.

Context clues are really useful for figuring out new words—they give us information about how other people use words in sentences so we can figure out what our own words mean!


Context = บริบท

Clue = เบาะแส

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